So long March~

I am not sure why my allergies have been so bad this year.  I wake up in the 
middle of the night and can't breathe through my nose.  My eyes water and my throat
is dry.  I drink a ton of water and use all the anti allergy things I am supposed
to use, but still, I can't breathe...ugh!
Today is the last day of March, tomorrow we welcome April.
The grass and the trees will start to show their colors and for that I am 
thankful and look forward to the new shades of spring.
Hopefully my allergies will tame down in the next month and I can
really enjoy.
I had a MRI of my head yesterday, results will come on Monday.
I lay in the tube and think I have to swallow.  I don't like laying on my back
and not being able to breathe or swallow so I do it anyway.
I hope I didn't move too much in the images.
I went to exercise class in the morning and road the indoor bike in the afternoon.
I am hungry all the time and can't seem to get enough junk food.  That's 
not good.  I need to be more careful.
I have Kinsley today and tomorrow is Disney on ice.

The wind was awful yesterday and this morning I woke up to the smell of 
smoke.  There are a couple of fires down south, but the smell is up here.
We are to have wind here again today.
Makes it hard to take Kinsley on a walk.



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