The rec center, new friends and old friends~

I went to silver sneakers yesterday morning, Cindy's class, it was very nice.
After finding some relief in the Flonase, I no longer have the shortness of 
breath I was experiencing.  Now I can make it through the class.
However, I feel like the allergy season is here very early and it will stay for
awhile, my nose has been stuffy for what feels like forever,

I find I really enjoy the bike these days.  I like getting my heart rate up and
listening to my music.
Today, everyone wanted to talk.  So I road the bike while they talked.
Met a new friend Lisa, she is my age and we talked about gun control and
oil and gas.

This is my view of the track.  This is Jack walking.  He calls me sweetheart.
He always says hi to everyone he meets.  I have known him for about 7 years.

This is Dee and Dennis, they walk the track everyday around noon.
If I want to ride the bike is silence, I have to come before they are there
or after they have gone...ha.
I went to the jewelry store to get the prongs checked on granny's ring.
I think I will get them redone so I can wear the ring.
Things and rings are meant to be enjoyed.

Dinner was left over pizza and veggies.
To bed after Chicago Med and up at 5:00am the next morning.
Happy Thursday~



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