A morning with little boo~

We had the pleasure of watching Kinsley Saturday morning while
her mommy went to spin class. 
The first place she loves to go when she walks into the house
is papop's lap.
She watched Mickey Mouse.
She has a little bit of a cold right now so she likes
to suck on her fingers.  I think it must be soothing to her.
I went to the fabric store and got some fabric that looks like
Mickey Mouse.  I hope to cut out some Disney ears for a t-towel
Kent and I took Hannah and little boo to Red Lobster for dinner.
Kinsley fell and hit her head at the soccer game and also got
stung by a bee.  Poor baby got a double wammy.
I was very disappointed in the restaurant.  Very run down and very dirty.
I will mark this restaurant off my list of places to go.
I can remember when red lobster was a wonderful place to eat.
Not anymore.
What a waste of time and money.
Took the dogs on a walk to the park and watched a little of the Broncos



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