Make a slight change in your routine, words to live by~

Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant things that you have no time to accept a real challenge when it comes along. 
This applies to play as well as work. 
A day merely survived is no cause for celebration. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine. 
No more busy work. 
No more hiding from success. 
Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now. Now! Not tomorrow!

~ Og Mandino

I needed this today.
After watching a Netflix series on Affliction, I have decided to move on
with what I am feeling and enjoy the life and hand I have been dealt.
No one should have to live in their thoughts and mind all the time.
I agree, it's time to get out of my thoughts and move forward.
I have little boo today and we will enjoy the day like
it's brand new.
Covid symptoms are pretty much gone.
Feeling much better and ready to but this virus behind me.
Thank you god for helping me heal and thank you for
letting me have a week of rest and respite.
I found 2 glasses at the thrift store that remind me of my mom.
I got them both and will use them daily.
My mom always knew how to make things special.
It's the little things that mean the most, thank you mom.

Kent and Drew played golf with the boys on Sunday. It was cool and cloudy
for most of the day.
All the dads and boys had to wear matching shirts.
Here is Drew and his dad in their matching shirts.
It was a great Sunday~


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