Friday with Kinsley~

Little Boo was so fun yesterday.
She took a great nap, ate zucchini bread and had dinner with
us last night.

She was also a silly girl and let me take pictures of her.

We loves to imitate people both with words and actions.

She always laughs and is full of smiles...until the camera comes out, ha.

She copies everything.

I said, look over at papa and she did.

Sometimes you just have to snap away with the camera and
pray you get some pictures.

This one cracks me up as she was picking up all the crayons and pencils out
of the box and looking at them.

I finished my sewing projects for the day.

The ice cream cone went home with Kinsley.

The ugly chicken will stay here for awhile.

Not too sure who will get the big carrots.
Maybe Brent and Noelle, not sure.

Drew and I sat outside after dinner while Kinsley played
with the gloves, water, flags and bubbles.

Too many fun things in papa's garage.
She is so interested in all of it.

She laid 2 little flags on the ground and said "night, night" and
preceded to lay down on them.
We also played with the broom, and flew on it like a witch at 
Such joy, thank you god.



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