Monday the 14th with Kinsley~

Monday with little boo is always joyful!
We cleaned up the wagon and went on 3 little walks around the
neighborhood.  She really liked riding in it and I hope that
she will continue to love it.
We played out in the front for the longest time.
She is an outside girl that loves everything about nature.
She went down for a nap around 11:00 and slept until 1:00.
She got up and had lunch and then it was back outside to play 
some more.

We sang happy birthday to grandma Kelly and grandma Gigi
She becomes such a ham when you put the phone camera in front of her.
I sent Hannah the video and she sent it on to Kelly.

The dogs were looking kinda cute yesterday so I took some
pictures of them.
It's been awhile since they have sat still.

I got them to look at the camera and sit still...yay!

Such good dogs.

This was the final project, I liked the black background better, but 
this is the one that came up on my phone.



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