A mouse for Brent and the chiropractor~

Yesterday I went to the chiropractor to see what we can do about my 
neck problem.  Jeff described it as "text neck" and wants to do 
an x-ray next week to see what's going on in my neck.
From the chiropractor's office I went to Lowe's and got 3 new ceiling
Got home and Kent took my car to get an emissions test and wash it.

I got out my sewing machine and fabric and embellished a few more 
used towels.
I also put a mouse on Brent's carrot towel to remind him of the
mice he has at his house.
The evening was quiet as Kent went and picked up Brent in Castle Rock
to bring him to our house.
He has his bachelor party this weekend up in Grandby so he and
Noah will head up today and get things ready.

It was another hot day yesterday and I think we are going to get
rain and cooler weather this weekend.



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