Kinsley bear and her cheek accident~

I love my Kinsley days.
She brings such joy to my day and I love her smile and crinkled nose.
Yesterday we read new books and watched PBS.
She loves Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger, but her favorite is 
Mickey Mouse.  
She took a great nap and had a really good lunch.
We played outside in the little pool and she washed her bike and
Came inside and changed clothes and then tried to brush teeth.
She thought it was more fun to run with the dogs and
BOOM...she fell and jammed the toothbrush on her cheek.  I felt so 
bad and within the hour, it had made a mark on her face.
One sad mammy, that's for sure.

Hannah is traveling this week and Drew has a friend coming in 
on Wednesday so I get to watch Kinsley on Wednesday evening
while they play golf.

Kristin is coming today and we are going to go see the Barbie movie.
It's always nice having sister time.
I miss our little jaunts up to FC to sit with mom and dad.
I miss everything about not seeing them.

Kent has a doctor's appt. to check on his lab work.
Finally over this covid mess and I pray the side effects are
minimal if not absent.  Don't want any weird feelings.

Heal well my little Kinsley peanut.  I love you more than anything.
I am so sorry about your cheek.
Blessings on this day~



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