The blue moon~

Yesterday was a blue moon day.
Murray sent these pictures of the moon coming up by the gold
course by his house.
I ventured out to see the moon, but I couldn't find it in our neighborhood.
I love the moon and l always see it in our backyard when I let the
dogs out early in the morning.

Here is Murray and Reenie.  So cute!

Me watching movies all afternoon.

My picture of the blue moon.  I don't know where my camera is or I would
take a more fancy picture, but this one will do.

Mom and dad's anniversary was yesterday.
I was in a funk and I think I know why.
I miss them terribly and wish somehow that they were still around,
healthy and alz free.  I loved going up to FC to see them
and spend the day with them.
We would always go to lunch and that made me happy.
Kristin and I would make the hour trip up there and have Murray
meet up with us somewhere.
They were really good parents and friends to everyone.
I spent my day doing nothing.  I went to Walmart early and got some
groceries and then came home.
We had our fence stained and Kent went to lunch with his buddies.
My attitude was pretty sour.
I watched the rest of a movie on Netflix and thought about sewing,
but that idea went in one ear and out the other.
Woke up this morning (8-31-2023) with a cough.
I pray I am not getting another cold.
Kinsley had one last week and on Monday, so it wouldn't surprise
me if I come down with something.
I will cut out some more tea towels today.
This always makes me happy and my creative juices run wild.
My prayers for today are no cold , no cough and no sinus stuff.
It will be hot again today so sewing inside will be nice.



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