Christmas 2020 style~


Good Friday morning and Merry Christmas.  We started out our Christmas Eve with a nice walk around the park with Sunny and then I got to enjoy another 3 miles all by myself.  It was a much needed walk.  That afternoon we drove down to Brent's to get presents and deliver our gifts.  Brent and Noelle will not be able to have Christmas with us this year due to the Covid crap.  Both were exposed and Noelle is waiting for her results.  It will be a quiet Christmas with just Drew and Hannah.

I was up early today.  I am enjoying the fake fire, Christmas lights and quiet time with coffee.  I started the dishwasher at 4:30am and will start the coffee cake around 7:30.  Not sure what time Drew and Hannah will arrive.  Breakfast or brunch?  Not sure.

The stockings are filled and the gift cards are out.  I am ready for the day.

I got to watch 2 Christmas Eve services on my computer last night.  I loved Ken Browns services at the BUMC and I watched him at Trinity Methodist Church.  I also watched the Flatiron Church Christmas special.  Great music.

Todays menu is coffee cake, granny sausage, biscuits and gravy and mimosas.  Late lunch will be ham sandwiches, Oma's potatoes, corn casserole, chocolate cake and cookies.  I hope we can play games and go on another walk today.

Merry Christmas 2020...may 2021 be better.  


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