Good Saturday Morning,  I have made it through the week and now it's time to enjoy some weekend activities, whatever those might be.

I got a few comments about my Christmas cards.  Heard from a sweet friend Sue, she loved the picture of the family.  I only wish I would have written a letter, but the words never came to me and it seemed hard to compose a letter about this past year.  I felt it was just appropriate  to send a picture and not dwell on 2020 and all it's weirdness.

Friday, I was able to get some Christmas stocking shopping done.  Got my hair trimmed, Jackie was not feeling well and canceled her clients, but needed to come in so she cut my hair.  I only hope she isn't sick with covid...that would suck.  I will continue to stay healthy, wash hands and use sanitizer so hopefully I will ward off any germs.  

Drew joined us for dinner, Chinese food.  It's always nice having him over.  Ellie likes to play with Sunny and I spend most of my evening yelling at them to settle down.  

Ah Saturday...what will you bring me.


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