December 30, 2020...Simplicity

 We have officially made it through 202.  One more day and we will turn over the calendar to 2021.  We will continue to social distance and wear a mask, but hope is on the horizon.   The vaccine is out and it is just a matter of time before we can get things back to normal or a new normal.

Today I took the Christmas stuff down.  I had a row of lights go out on the living room tree so I very carefully took that string of lights off the tree.  Next year I will add a sting of lights so it doesn't look so dark.  I always have mixed feelings when it comes to taking Christmas down.  I live the twinkly lights and I especially loved them in the morning with my coffee.

I ventured out to the dollar store and Target.  People are still in the shopping mood.  Target was packed.

This afternoon I took a little nap and Kent and I walked Sunny.  It's been cold outside so our walk was short and sweet.  Oh how I miss the rec center and pray I can go back soon.

My word for the new year is simplicity.  I do not want clutter in my life.  I will continue to clean out the basement and get rid of stuff and make my life and house less clutterful.

One more day of eating cookies and candies and then I am helping Kent on WW.  I could stand to have a few more veggies in my life.

Here's to a healthy and happy new year.


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