Yesterday Kent and I took Sunny on a little walk and met Kathy and her grandson Matty and their puppy Beebee.  We talked with them for 5 minutes or so and talked about how much animals help with what people are going through right now.  We talked about loss and we talked about getting a new puppy.  I love that Sunny makes people smile.  She is warm, funny and full of spunk.  I love when she goes on a walk and has to visit everyone.  She thinks everyone is her friend.  I love this dog.

I walked 3.5 miles in the morning.  It was a cool, beautiful morning.  I came home and made homemade hamburger buns.  I love my bread machine and I pray it never stops working.  Not sure if I will ever find another one that I love as much as this one.  

I watched Christmas in Connecticut.  Such a fun, hokey movie.  Most Christmas movies have to do with love and finding the good in the season.  We all need that right now with what's going on in this world.  Trump is still trying to declare victory in the election and thinks it was rigged and somehow Biden won because he cheated.  I am not sure

what happened, but I think it's time for Trump to step down and let a new president take over.  

The Covid crap continues and now they have shut down southern California.  I feel so bad for the elderly because they can't see their families right now.  Now more than ever, elderly need to see their families.  I hate that I can't see my parents.  I want so badly to bring my dad here to live with us, but I know that's not reality.  Please virus go away...



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