I found on pinterest a little note of things you should do every morning.  

1.  One thing you are looking forward to.  I have to say, I am looking forward to the day I can see mom and dad and visit without masks or social distancing.  How hard it is to not hug them or sit with them at lunch or cut their hair.  Oh Covid...you have made a mess of things.

2.  Five people in your life you are thankful for.  Kent, Drew, Brent, Kristin and Murray.  The list however, can go on and on.  Five is never enough.

3.  One accomplishment from yesterday you are proud of.  I am trying to cut out sugar in my diet.  I have been feeling like a slug so this is a huge start for me.  I ate a smoothie for breakfast, a small bowl of spaghetti for lunch and veggie soup with crackers for dinner.  No added sugar and I am proud of myself.

4.  One thing you like about the way you look.  I had a good hair day!!! My hair continues to thin and daily I find it harder and harder to have volume.  It's the small things I guess.

5.  Your intention for the day.  Have fun.  It's December 1st and Christmas is in 24 days.  Each day I vow to have fun.  I will do at least one thing that makes me smile.  Walking makes me smile.  Christmas pictures from the past make me happy.

Now, take 5 deep breaths and enjoy your day.  


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