Sunny delight and other stuff~

 Sunny got a few new toys for Christmas and loves each and everyone of them.  She has already found a thread on the doggy and chewed a hole in it goes to the sewing pile to be repaired.

She played with them most of the morning while I took some Christmas down and vacuumed.  It's always nice to get the house back in order after Christmas and I hope to have everything down before the new year happens on Friday.

I had a hard time sleeping last night.  I laid in bed and thought about mom and dad and how awful it must be to be living in a world so foreign to us on the outside.  A silent world of starring blankly into the face of a family member or a staff member.  Not knowing what they are saying.  Just a blank stare.  I miss my parents so much.  I miss the phone calls and the visits and the holidays.  I am angry at God for letting this happen.  Why do this to 2 very happy people that loved life and people so much.  I am angry that they never got to see Drew get married and they will never get to know Drew and Hannah's baby.  I am just angry that their life is robbed of the happy times.  I am mostly angry like most people right now that the Covid crap has taking away so many lives and special times.  This morning I ask why.  Knowing I will never get an answer to this question makes it even more upsetting.

Today is December 29th...the year is almost over.  We started out 2020 with cleaning out mom and dad's house, getting it ready to sell was our goal.  We worked every week with the help of Linda's company to get things donated and sold.  We pretty much worked Jan. and Feb, and put it on the market in March.  How sad to think mom and dad never got to say goodbye to their stuff or their house.  For all we know, dad might still think we have the house.  life isn't fair and I don't like that.

Kent, Brent and Noelle have decided to join weight watchers.  I know they can do it.  I pray that this will be a life changing event for them and they will stick to it in 2021.  It's hard to lose weight and keep it off.  I will help as much as I can and provide healthy choices for all of them.  Today the rest of the Christmas treats go to the trash.  New year new choices.  I am going to the ARC to find weight watchers cookbooks.  

We got another little dusting of snow last night.  I love the snow and wish we would get more.  

Happy Tuesday~


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