One week away~

 Ah, it's December 17th and we are one week away from Christmas Eve.  Seems like it came quickly, but truthfully, I am glad to see an end to this year.  Not saying that come Jan. 1st.  all things will be different, I am just hoping that with the vaccine coming out, the virus will settle down and things can start to normalize.  We will see.  

Kristin was able to make an appointment to see mom and dad next week.  We will head up on Tuesday for our little 30 minute visit.  It's so hard for dad to find his words to talk to us, and mom just sits there starring at us, but it will be so nice to see them.  I guess they got hair cuts this past week.  I sure do miss cutting their hair...soon, hopefully.

I took Sunny on a long walk yesterday and she loves running in the snow.  I have never seen a dachshund so excited to bounce in the snow.  She is such a fun, loving dog.  I am so glad we got her.

Drew and Hannah came over last night to get the ladder and they brought Ellie.  Wow this dog has energy!!!!  She and Sunny ran around the house like they were in the backyard.  Christmas will be full of noise and dogs so I guess I better get used to the fact that we will have 6 people and 4 dogs joining us.

Hannah and baby are doing well.  She is at 20 weeks and peanut is measuring right on track.  She is about the size of a beefsteak tomato.  They got a new crib and dresser from Hannah's dad.  They are slowly getting their baby stuff together.  Such fun times!

The disabled vets come today to pick up more donations.  I need to get them out on the driveway.  This will be the 3rd load of stuff I have donated.  

I got the name of my senior, her name is Peg and she wants blank notes, Christmas candy, lotion and soaps.  Today I will venture out and get her gifts.

Happy Thursday~

This picture is from Oct. 7th 2020


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