Let it Snow~

 Last weekend we got a dusting of snow...3 inches or so.  A beautiful Christmas snow.  I shoveled the back patio and the driveway.  I love getting out in nature and feeling the cold air on my face.  It snowed again last night.  A very fluffy, light snow.  I will once again shovel.

Yesterday I ventured out to Sierra Trading co. and did a little Christmas shopping for Sunny.  2 new bones to be exact, and a new dachshund mug for me.  I can't pass up anything that has a dachshund on it.

  I unloaded 3 boxes from the garage, put the photo albums back in the book shelf and the sewing stuff in the hutch.  I hope to work on a few more today.

Sunny and I went on a 2 mile walk to the school.  She ran the whole way and loved bouncing in the snow.  Silly girl, you would think she is a husky.

Lunch was leftover bbq from Brothers and dinner was a hot dog.  Not doing so well on my eating healthy before Christmas campaign,  thank God there is always a new day.  

The covid vaccine has arrived in Colorado and the healthcare workers and elderly are getting it first.  Hopefully Kent and I will get it soon.  

10 days until Christmas.  Looking forward to making my turkey and having a warm and cozy meal.  Maybe this weekend when it is thawed.

I miss my parents at this time of year.  They always did Christmas just right.  Not seeing them is killing me.  I pray they know how much I love them.

Happy Tuesday...spread Joy


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