It was a beautiful Sunday.  I put the turkey in the oven around 9:30 and by 11:45 it was ready to come out and rest for 30 minutes.  My whole house smelled yummy.  It was Thanksgiving 2.0 because we didn't have a real turkey on thanksgiving day.  Drew and Hannah and Ellie joined us for lunch.  Dessert was Marie Calendar's pecan pie...mmmm mmmm good.

That afternoon after the kids left Kent went and watched the football game in the bedroom and I watched The Family Stone.  I closed my eyes through part of it and enjoyed a little nap with Sunny on my lap.

Today I will venture out and get a couple of gift cards for Kent.  We aren't exchanging gifts this year due to the fact that we got new flooring, but I will get him a couple of food cards we can both use this next year.

The temperature today will be in the high 50's so a walk with Sunny is a must.  It's been a few days without a walk due to the snow and cold, but today will be different.

I might sew a few tea towels today.  I have my sewing machine out and I hate to lose an opportunity to stitch us a couple for gifts.

Oh Monday...what will you bring me?  


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