A much better day with peanut~

Oh goodness, what a difference a day makes.
Little peanut was back to her usual self and funny and busy.
She had toast and eggs for breakfast and spaghetti for lunch.

She helped me in the kitchen and sings the clean up song when it's
time to clean up.

This is her most favorite activity.
Stacking the crayons and watching them fall.

So proud when she gets them to stand, including the broken ones.

I went to the basement and found her the Mickey Mouse toy that
Brent got at Disneyland.  She loved it and didn't want to 
let go of it.
She is very much into Disney and loves to watch Mickey's playhouse.
Drew came and picked her up after 4:00 and Kent and I enjoyed
Mexican food for dinner.
It was lights out at 7:45 with a night of weird dreams.



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