Sunday the 5th, a new bed and a cold house~

Sunday was a very busy day at our house.
Drew and Hannah and baby came with donuts and helped us
get the bed frame up in the bedroom.
I finished setting up Brent's old bedroom with clean sheets
for the bed and Kinsley's crib.
I vacuumed the pillows and the floor.
American furniture came around 11 and delivered the mattresses.
I made that bed and finished vacuuming that room.
I then proceeded to the rec center to ride the bike and row for about an hour.
Came home and had chicken from wishbone for a late lunch and early dinner.
The house seems to be back in order from Brent's move.
Carpet is minus some Max hair and the rugs are all washed from the bathrooms.
The dogs were tired yesterday from their excitement over the weekend.
Augie loves to sleep between my legs on the recliner.
It was early to be last night and I seemed to sleep well until 4.
Got out of bed to a very cold house.
The thermostat batteries were out and the house was 57 degrees.
Got that fixed and prayed to god and thanked him.



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