Saturday thrifting, rec center and thrifting~

Saturday was a good day.
I got up early, had coffee, got ready about 7:30 and headed out
to the thrift store.
My favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning is thrift.
I found some more tea towels, new water bottle and a painting.
I am going to hang the painting in the guest bedroom.
It is a water color of pansies.
From the thrift stores, I headed home to have lunch.
Kent and I took the dogs on a little walk to Omaha steaks and pets mart.
It got to about 57 degrees and it felt wonderful.
Snow is melting and the pot holes are starting to surface.
I cut out one bunny for a tea towel and will sew today.
I had a grilled cheese for dinner and an ice cream cone.
I spoil myself on weekends with a little sugar since I am trying really hard
to but back on added sugar.
Talked to Kristin on the phone and went to bed at the usual time.
Kent went to the Aves game and was home by midnight.



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