A sick baby and snow~

We thought it was unusual that she was so still yesterday and very cuddly, but
this little one had the stomach bug and threw up all over her papa
and then had diarrhea for the rest of the day.

She camped out in the recliner for all of the rest of the day.
She watch movies and cocomelon and pretty much rested.

She finally gave it up for a morning nap curled up like a little ball
in papa's recliner.

After her nap, I picked her up and sat her on my lap for the rest of the day.
She only wanted her mammy and her deetee and her blanket.
I felt more comfortable having her close by incase she got sick again.
My heart goes out to little ones who get sick.
They can't tell us they don't feel well, they just show us.

I sent Kent for some pedilyte and some diapers incase she went through
everything I had.

This was pretty much her face for the day.
I am sure she had a little fever, but the only thermometer we have
is the old fashion in your mouth one.

Thanks to 1000 loads of laundry while Brent and Noelle were here,
we have a problem with the spin cycle.
We have a repair man coming tomorrow to see what's going on.
We also have a plumber coming today to clean out a drain in our bathroom.
February is half over...we got snow yesterday, around 4 inches, maybe more.



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