A wonderful Valentine's Day~

Little peanut arrived at my house at 7:45am.  She loves to read this Coco book
which is really a coloring book, but whatever.  
She sat down in the recliner and looked at the pages.

Her mommy is out of town so she is flying solo with her daddy.

We played beads and sang songs.

She knows the star shape so we sang Twinkle twinkle...
I love how she sings.

Before her morning nap, we went on a walk around the block.
We are learning how to stay away from the street.  
That's a hard one to learn.

The shadows were fantastic and I couldn't help but snap a picture of us
both walking.

Had lunch, changed clothes and read more books.

She decided to forgo the afternoon nap so we played, sat in the recliner, snacked
and played some more.

I asked if I could take her picture and she wasn't having it.
I did my pretend cry and she did pretend cry back to me.
She is so stinking cute.

Why is pretend cry so much easier to do than smile?

More mammy time and dinner with her dad.
It was a great Valentine's Day!!!
We have snow today so we will play inside again.



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