Starting Feb. in the sunshine~

It was a beautiful day yesterday the 1st of Feb. so after her morning nap
we ventured out to the park.
It was a cool, crisp 39 degrees, but after this past week of being in the negatives,
it felt good to have the sun on our faces.
For the most part she sat in her stroller.
It's only after she plays at the park that she hates sitting again.

She loves to climb and slide.
She is not afraid of getting dirty or wet.
She loves the park.

She has mastered the bridge without holding grammy's hand.

The slide is her favorite and we always say...ready, set, gooooooooo.
After her walk she took another good nap.
I woke her up before her mom came to pick her up.
I didn't get a chance to exercise at the rec center so today I will spend
sometime there in class and walking.



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