Wednesday snow, Augie timeout, Friday haircut~

Augie loves to go outside.  Loves to walk around the yard and loves to eat snow.
He also loves to walk around the house and eat Kinsley's toys.
He starts asking for lunch and dinner an hour before the actual time.
Wednesday I had to put him in timeout so I could just sit and not 
chase him around the house and  yard.  It was so cold outside and he didn't mind 
slowly doing his business.
So...into his box he went for a little while.
For him to rest and for me to watch Kinsley.

She was very concerned about him and crawled on hop of his
kennel to make sure he was ok.

Thursday we got more snow so I shoveled both the front and back.
I canceled my exercise class because it was -7...yikes.
I did however, shower, go to Sierra, TJ max, the eye center and Walmart.
I also walked my couple of miles at the rec center.
Haircut was at 2:00 and I made red beans and rice for dinner.
Feb is moving fast and we are a few days away from Sunny turning 3.



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