End of February , Sunny's birthday and a broken vacuum belt~

March is tomorrow, I can't wait.
It usually means I can start my seeds in the upstairs bedroom.
Yesterday, Kent headed to CS to help Brent with his house.
They were able to meet with the president and get some of the problems
I went to exercise class and walked the track.
Got home and picked up the house and vacuumed.
Broke the belt on the vacuum and ran it over to the shop only to 
find out they are closed on Monday.
The things that have broken down and need to be fixed in 2023 so far...
1.  The sink basket in the kitchen
2.  the washing machine
3.  the vacuum broken belt
4.  the sink in our bedroom was debgunked 
I think the list is longer, but I can't remember right now.

I did the afternoon exercise class also.
Came home and had stew from the crock pot.
It was a pretty mellow evening.
I have Kinsley today and tomorrow.  Love that little peanut so much.
Happy Birthday Sunny.
3 years with this little one and I have loved every one of them.
She was the best thing to come out of 2020.
You rock Sunny!!!



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