Tuesdays with Kinsley~

Kinsley in motion...no cute picture today of this little cherub.
Tuesday was a wonderful day with little boo.
Drew dropped her off after a frantic morning with his dogs.
Seems Zoe ate part of the carpet in their loft and Drew needed to 
call a carpet repair man to come and fix the hole.
Sooooooo, that being said he forgot Kinsley's blanket and passy.
The first attempt for a nap was hard.  The second attempt was better as
she went down at 10 and slept until around 11:30 or so.
She got up and had lunch and played for awhile.
She loves this little glass dachshund perfume holder.
It is empty and has been for years and she thinks it's a water bottle.
We went to Pixie dust to get a couple new shirts and to the thrift store
for a new Mickey Mouse book.
Back home she played and played until her mommy came and picked
her up.
I completed my 10,000 steps at the rec center and came home
and had a burger from the grill and veggies.
I love this little girl with all my heart and look forward to every
Tuesday and Wednesday when I get to have her here.
I miss Brent and Noelle and Max.  Seems
Max is having a hard time adjusting to his new home.
It may take a week and a few distractions, but hopefully
he will adjust.



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