Wednesday February 1st...a new month a new attitude~

The last day of January was uneventful.  I had little peanut for the day.
Her daddy brought her and picked her up.
We played and played and she ate very well.

She enjoyed the cornbread we had from the night before.

She also loves GORP and really likes the raisins.

Her afternoon nap was a success and this is how she looked when
I got her out of her crib.

Her hair cracks me up.  She hates when someone tries to comb it.
I work fast to put it back up in a ponytail.
Drew picked her up around 3:30 and I headed to the rec center to ride the bike.

Almost 7 miles on the bike and 10 minutes on the rowing machine.
The center is quite busy this time of the afternoon.

Today is Wednesday the 1st of February and I have little boo again.
The sink is dripping water and we have a plumber coming today to check
out where the water is coming from.
Still cold here, but no snow forecasted for a few days.
We are going to get up into the 40's so maybe more will melt.
Brent and Noelle have a walk through on their house today.
They will start packing on Friday and move out on Saturday.
I will miss their company.
I slept like shit last night.  I don't even think I slept.
Not sure why my body does this, but I hate it.



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