The hidden binki, Charlee's 6 months, snow and a full day~

Yesterday we had a good laugh at the smartness of little boo.
She knows she is not to have her Passy or blanket during the day, only at nap time
and bed time.
She found her sack with her things in it and started walking down
the hallway with her blanket covering her mouth.
I asked her if she had her Passy in her mouth.  She slowly lowered
her blanket and there it was.  She went down for a good 2 hour nap
from 9-11.  

Charlee girl turned 6 months yesterday.  Here is her latest picture.
Murray said she has her great papa's eyes.
We did a comparison and sure enough, they do have the same eyes.
Her great papa would be proud to know this little one has his eyes.

This is my dad around the same age.  Look at those beautiful eyes.

We had to stay in all day because the weather was frightful.
Always a challenge to find things to keep her entertained.
We did beads, colors, apple and watermelon and tried to read books.

She decided that the baby pack and play was a climbing gym.
During nap #2, she crawled out and we heard a crash.
Sure enough, she met me at the door.
Not sure how I am going to get her to stay in there and nap.

I love this little peanut with all my heart.
I love her when I have her here and miss her when she is at daycare.
Today we have a few inches of snow on the ground and it is -7 right now.
I would love to venture out to exercise.  Hopefully the roads aren't too bad.
I also get my hair trimmed at 2:00.
Warmer weather for the weekend.



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