Charlee, Augie, Sunny and Kinsley on Feb. 8th~

Charlee is 5 months old right now.  Her mommy likes to dress her
in neutral colors.  She is very cute.  Not sure what her mile stones are right now.

Augie is 8 months old.  Seems like he grew quickly.  I love this dog and his

Sunny will be 3 at the end of this month.  She is a wonderful
addition to our family.

This little peanut is 21 months.  Growing like a weed and full of personality.
Mac and cheese for lunch.

She ate her first thin mint and loved it.

Took her on a walk after lunch and I found 2 feathers.
One for mom and one for dad.
Feathers mean angels are watching.
I love that.

She loves the park.  The sun went behind the clouds and it got a little cool.
She didn't mind.

The slide and the swing are her favorite.

My attempt at trying to take her picture on the rock.
Gotta move fast.

I asked if I could blow her nose and she said NO WAY!
Boogies all over the place.

Augie loves to sit on my lap in the morning and at night.
During the day he loves to run and play with Sunny.



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