A day of remembrance and a temper tantrum~

The one year mark of mom's death was the 13th of April.
One year of not being able to take the hour trip to FC and sit with her.
One year of not cutting her hair or feeding her lunch or talking to her.
Such an awful disease making its way through the lives of other friends and 
My day started with taking Kinsley to daycare.  
I then ventured to exercise class.
Not sure if I have a little cold or if my allergies are getting the 
best of me, but this little cough and weird throat thing caused me to not
sleep well the night before.
When I picked Kinsley up from daycare, she had her usual meltdown before dinner.
I know she is usually tired and hungry after daycare so Kent got us 
Chinese food and I stuck her in her high chair and quickly gave her
something to eat.
Dinner was followed by a 45-55 minute tantrum on the floor because I wouldn't give
her the binki.  We have been pretty good about not giving it to her during the day,
but last night she was beside herself.
I got her to bed about 6:30 and she quickly fell asleep.

I am reminded of the beauty that is around me.  The pelicans have returned
to the pond and I so enjoy seeing them fly in the sky.

My mom is a sunflower girl from the sunflower state and I love the
was these flowers look against the white cloudy sky.
Remembering you mom and all the wonderful things you did to make 
our lives fun and full of life.



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