Picking paper off crayons and the staging lady~

On Fridays I have little boo.
I love my days with her.
She arrived at 8:00 and we sat and had breakfast and did some coloring.

Brenda, the staging lady, came yesterday, and showed me the
things I need to take down and store for the staging.
Big furniture needs to go than I am comfortable with, but
anything to get the house sold.
Kent has been really grouchy lately.
This move is going to be hard on us.
We need to work together as a team and get the house ready.
I know his back is bothering him, it has for a few months now.
When my chest hurt, it was so hard for me to find joy in anything.
I see that with Kent now.

Kristin will come again today and help me pack up the hutch and other
Drew will help me move boxes and furniture into the garage.
Kent will meet with the inspector at the new house and
look for things that need to be fixed.

God, I ask for you to help me find the strength to tolerate Kent and
move through this moving stuff.
I ask for peace in our home as we pack it up and I 
ask for guidance in my thoughts and choices.
Thank you for another day.



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