Tuesday April 4...it was a good day~

 Yesterday I woke to snow on the ground again and it pretty much snowed throughout the day.  It really didn't amount to much that stuck around, but it was a nice wet snow that will help everything turn green.

I went to exercise early at the BCC and then went to pick up the vacuum cleaner and my ring.  The ring looks really pretty and they were able to secure the diamond down so it won't fall out.

I picked up some groceries at KS for dinner.   Came home and started the hamburger and loaded the dishwasher.  I went to the thrift store and ended up not buying anything which is good.

Had a couple of nice chats with Kristin on the phone.  Charlee is now in full-time daycare and Kristin now has her days back.  We talked about the IRA again and how nobody is really helping us with the process.

It was an early dinner cause I thought I was going to be watching Kinsley, but Hannah left her at Gigi's house for the evening.

Today I will exercise again.  Hope to walk the track also at the rec center.  The lazy-boy fix it guy comes today to see if he can adjust the chair.  Stacy is in town so we will have dinner with her tonight.

I hear my blue jay outside wanting cat food.  She comes everyday...I love it.

Time to get ready for my day.  
It's beautiful outside, I will get out and enjoy it!


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