Friday with Kinsley and Saturday snow~

Friday with little boo~

It finally got warm enough to go for a little walk on Friday afternoon.
She loves the yellow flowers and we pick on wherever we go.

She is finally smiling at the camera when we park and take a picture.

Woke up to a few inches of snow on the ground on Saturday morning.
I went walking at the rec center, did a couple of miles and saw Pat on my way out.

The track got pretty full around 10:00 so I knew I wasn't the only one to 
want to stay inside 
Brrrrr a whopping 27 degrees out this morning.

I would love to get back on the elliptical, but I know between it and the 
treadmill, that's what caused my foot problems.

I cleaned out the linen closet in preparation for getting the house ready to sell.
Sunny and Augie found Brent's old blanket and they loved playing on it.

Kent and I took some stuff to the thrift store and went to FR to buy a new 
couch and rug.
We went with navy blue this time and a beautiful rug for the grate room.
Next projects are the washer and dryer and refrigerator.
Dinner was leftovers and I was in bed by 7:30.
A full day for sure.



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