Monday with Kinsley~

Mondays with Kinsley...
Little boo was dropped off at 8:00 and had a hard time letting go of mommy.
The kids moved last weekend and Kinsley was shuffled around between 
the new house and old house and Gigi's house.
Hannah said she slept so well in her new room.
By 8:15 Kinsley was back to her silly self and ready to have some breakfast.

She played until close to 10 and then it was down for a 2 hour nap.

We went to the park, this is always a hit for her.
She has mastered the step ladder to the slide and finds it fun to do 
it about 10 times in a row.
She also has fun crossing the bridge on the bigger equipment to
the bigger slide.
No fear with this little one.

Her favorite flower right now is the dandelion.  She has to carry one in her stroller
when we walk to the park and home again.

Gosh I love this little girl.  She makes me smile and laugh.

Monday was a good day.



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