Coffee cake, Kinsley and the park and the pick up~

I had a huge brain fart yesterday.  I forgot to layer the coffee cake and it came
out looking like this.
I have made this cake for 40 years and I have never forgotten to layer it.
For some reason yesterday it didn't click that it was the process to 
making the craters in the cake.
Sometimes I wonder if the ALZ is creeping in.
It's a very scary thought.

On a brighter note, little boo woke up in a great mood.
She sat on my lap for a little while and let me change
her diaper, had breakfast and played.
She went down for a morning nap around 9:30.
She slept for 13 hours that night.  Seems like she was catching up
on all the cold/sleep loss last week.
Amazing how much happier she is having a little bit of a routine.

After lunch we walked to the park which is one of her most favorite things
to do.  Always stop for a snap shot of the moment...that's important.
It's always good to document the day with a little one cause they
grow so quickly.

Kisses for mammy.  I love this little one.

I love how her feet spill over the stroller edge.  She won't let me
put the foot rest down so she just lets her feet go over.
It doesn't seem to bother her.

With the water bottle in hand, we ventured back home for an afternoon nap.
Her mommy and daddy were to get home last evening so the goal
was to keep her up until they arrived.  They pulled in the driveway around
I am pretty sure she was so happy to see them
I know Hannah scooped her up and loved on her.
Today we will go to the springs to have lunch with Brent and Noelle.
Fargos pizza...a favorite from the past.



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