Every season in life~

Sometimes I forget to celebrate the bad seasons in my life.
We are coming up on 9 years since cancer diagnosis and
1 year since mom died.
The time between those 2 events has had many ups and downs.
I would love to say I let the bad times roll off my back like water on a duck,
but that's not true.
The bad times and bad health stuck around more than I would have liked
it to.
I tried to move through them gracefully and with strength, but sometimes
they got the best of me.
I am sure each health struggle was teaching me a lesson.
Each bout of anxiety and depression lead to a new discovery.
I road out the health issue until somehow god put the lesson in front of 
me and I was able to change my mind set.

Nobody makes it through life without any struggles.
We all face demons that bring us to our knees and we look to god for answers.
I pray this April brings wonderful, life changing events that will 
help to answer what I have been through the past 3 1/2 years.
I pray for peace with mom and dad's death and that we can lay them to rest with
the babies.
I pray for continued peace for my diagnosis and that I can continue on my 
quest for life after cancer.
Let me not forget to accept the bad things as good things.
It's all in how you look at it.
Happy Tuesday~



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