Happy April 1st~

Yesterday the wind blew again and I didn't go outside except to let the dogs out.
My allergies were really bad so I had 3 different meds on board.
Thank goodness they work so I could breathe.

Happy April 1...we have made it through 3 months of 2023.

Last night Augie was laying on lap and he had the cutest little tooth peeking 
out with a little puff lip.
This little dog makes me smile.  He has the best personality and is so loving
just like Sunny.

I had little boo yesterday.  She took a really great nap and was in the best mood
after her nap.  She ate well and played.
She sat on my lap for the last hour of the day until her mommy came
and picked her up.
She loves to hold her blanket and suck on her dee tee.
She brings me so much joy!!!!  

Today we go to Disney on Ice and I am looking forward to seeing
her face when she sees the characters.



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