Wednesday, exercise, Kinsley and a cough~

Either my allergies are going wild or I am getting what Kinsley had last week.
I slept a total of 4 hours last night.  Most of the night was trying to fall asleep.
Can't get the monitor to work so I was worried about Kinsley waking up.
Needless to say, my chest feels tight and I have a cough.

I picked little boo up from daycare about 4:00.
She was happy to see me.
I made chicken pot pie for dinner and she loved it.
Cottage cheese, applesauce and a pumpkin muffin.

She played outside for awhile with the water.

It was 82 degrees yesterday and our house was hot.
I flipped the switch to AC to help with the stuffiness.
Not as warm today, and then a cool down for friday.



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