A new adventure ahead~

Something new, something scary, but we did it!
I know mom and dad had a hand in this process.  I felt it and I saw little signs.
I also know the hand of god was there to direct us in this new adventure.
We are blessed to be able to start this adventure.
Thank you mom, dad and god.

Well, we did it!  We bought a house and will move the end of May.
Now the hard work comes with getting out house ready and sellable.

They landscaped the yard yesterday and we now have rock and a tree and small shrubs .
Kristin, Murray and I met yesterday in Loveland and closed mom's money market
account and divided the money 3 ways.
I no sooner had that money when we signed the contract to become
homeowners of a new home.
Money in money out.
When we sell the house, the money will go back into our savings account
and we will be able to get a few new things for the house.
Here's to new beginnings and a new adventure.



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