Dermatology and the floor and choices~

I had a dermatology appointment yesterday. 
I arrived early because I wasn't sure where I was going.
I walked in and checked in and waited.
I looked at the flooring and wondered why they
would put these light colored boards in between the gray ones.
I didn't like it and thought they should all be the same color or at least
a lighter shade of gray.
Oh well, not my doing...ha.
The doc froze off a few precancerous spots on my nose and my head.
I will be better about putting on sun screen and wearing a hat.
I guess I have my dads skin because he was always getting things frozen off.
I also may have the starting of rosacea.  I refuse to go there.  My face is the first thing
people see and I don't want it to be full of red blotchy stuff.
Nope, not me!!!

Today I will remember this.
I ordered some new vitamins from amazon and some face cream.
I will take back my health and my life and I will
do it one day at a time.
Kent and I might go and see a house today.
This could bring me anxiety , but I am not going to let it.
He wants to move and downsize, I am not ready, but I know it probably
needs to be done.
God be with me, now and forever.



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