Everything happens in its own time~

Kinsley and I watching Elmo...my heart is full!

Drew texted last night and said there was a house next to them that is for sale.
A new house would be wonderful, but a move would be very hard.
We have been in this house for 30 years.  Hard to pick up and move
30 years worth of stuff.
I will wait for a picture of the house before I decide anything.
Maybe I will drive by it today when I have a minute.

I had Kinsley yesterday and she was a jewel.  She played in the morning, took a great
nap, had lunch and we ventured to the park.
She loves to be outside and I can't blame her, it was beautiful.
We got back home and did some coloring.
I need to buy her a coloring book.  She loves to sit in her chair and do 
projects.  A girl after my heart.

I have had a stupid cough for over a week and today I think it is finally gone ot
at least getting better.  Thought it might be allergies, and it probably
was, but I didn't wake up this morning hacking a lung out.

Dermatology appt. this afternoon.  I have a couple of precancerous things
that need to be frozen off.

Kent headed down to Colorado Springs to sit while the kids get their
floor done since the leak.

It's going to be warm so I will keep the house shut up.

My tulips are getting ready to bloom...yay!!!



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