Pretty much a normal MRI~


I got my results from my MRI and from what I can tell, my brain and head are normal.  This is frustrating because it doesn't give me an answer to why my head feels full and ready to explode sometimes.  I was reading on the Mayo Clinic website how to decrease stress in life and I would like to put forward some of these ideas and see if that works.

My head problems started in Sept. 2019 and have been bugging me since.  I pray to god that he will give me some answers as to why my head is doing this and if he can't give me answers, maybe he can direct me to the people who can give me answers.  This has also failed to happen.  

The ringing in my ears and the pressure behind my eyes bothers me daily.  I fail to enjoy the day to day activities and find myself wanting to just watch movies on tv. 

First I thought it was the stress of moving mom and dad into assisted living.  Then I thought it was the stress of covid and having Kent home.  I thought and I experimented with acupuncture and I prayed some more and I have found nothing and I continue to have the pressure...ugh.

Why in this day and age can't I figure out what is making my head hurt.  Please god, work with me.

So with this being said, I will continue to exercise, eat semi normal and practice the pause.  I will continue to do the things that bring me joy.  

I don't want to live like this for the rest of my living days so I will march on.

Here are the ideas from the Mayo Clinic.

  1. Get active. Virtually any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever. ... 
  2. Meditate. ... 
  3. Laugh more. ... 
  4. Connect with others. ... 
  5. Assert yourself. ... 
  6. Try yoga. ... 
  7. Get enough sleep. ... 
  8. Keep a journal.


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