Cleaning out the basement, feeling mom and dad close by~

Yesterday Kristin came down and started helping me get my house ready to 
She arrived around 8 and we worked in the basement until 5:30.
Lots of loads of stuff to the ARC. 
We will work on the main floor living area today and get clutter put away.

I know mom and dad are working with us.  I feel their energy daily and 
see them in little things.  I know they are always with me.
I am letting a lot of things go.  Things they have given me through the years.  Things
passed down from one person to another.
This stuff has been taking up space in my basement for 30 years.
It's time to move it on and let someone else enjoy it.
I think God for Kristin in helping me with this project.
A LOT of elbow grease!!!
Today is Thursday and we will continue.
Saturday Drew will come get more stuff from his pile.
Sunday Kristin, Murray and I will plan mom and dad's memorial.
Never a dull moment...must continue on with this wonderful life.
Happy Thursday~



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