Cancer check up and talking to the realtor~

Yesterday I had an appointment at the cancer center.
It was very quiet, only me and one other person when I arrived.
When I left my appointment, the room was getting
much fuller.
Not sure why I had one because I just had one a month ago, but I met with
Dr. S this time.  She asked the usual questions...I answered no to all of them, and
she checked me out.

I stopped by Walmart on my way home and picked up gloves for cleaning and
bananas.  The day started out beautiful and quickly changed to rain
and clouds by the afternoon.

We met with the realtor to get a price to sell our house and
sign her contracts.
We...I should say I have a lot to get done before the house is listed.
Kristin is coming today to help in the basement.
We will transport stuff to the ARC and goodwill and
get stuff into boxes.
I know mom and dad are by my side on this move.
I feel their presence in all I do.  Their loving hand guiding me along the way.
Thank you mom and dad for making this possible.



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