Time to move on~

With the death of mom approaching a year, I have made the choice to really
dig in deep and make a few changes.
I have had this little black cloud of yuck hanging over my head for a few years.
It's time to let those feelings go and move forward and really enjoy life.
Putting mom and dad in Morning Star was the only choice we had to 
help them with their dementia, however, it put a lot of stress on the 3 of 
us to help them through the transition.  Weekly trips up to FC and spending hours with them
was hard, and now I can look back and see the stress it put on my life.
The move, the sell of their house, the purging of their stuff and
just watching them die was very hard.

After getting the results of my MRI and reading that they were pretty much
normal, I have decided that the stress of the past 3 years...is decreasing.
Time to focus on the really wonderful things in my life.
Time to really do the things I want to do.
Time to move forward.
Time to live!

Mom and dad did a good job at raising me.
I observed their kindness towards others.
I found their love in the little things.
It is time to continue to channel their life and to apply it to mine.
Thank you mom and dad for the lessons.
Thank you god for giving me April.



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