A better day, books, the park and a photo shoot~

Yesterday was a much better day than before.  She loves to get her books
and look at the pictures, and for that I am grateful that she
has the love for books.

There are a few that are her favorites.  The Christmas light book is one of them.

She also loves the Elmo book.  She took the book and sat in the 
dog bed and looked at the pictures.

After lunch we walked to the park and she played for a 1/2 hour or so.
There was another mother there that was pretty much a 
"keep to yourself" mom.  No interaction what so ever.
So after playing on the slide for a little while, we left and walked back 
home and Kinsley took a nice afternoon nap.

It's very hard these days to take a picture of her.
She is a mover and never sits still and really doesn't smile at the
camera, I have to be ready to take any kind of picture.

I love when I can just capture her little face.

After Drew picked her up, I ran to Safeway and got some crackers.
I was driving home and the moon was beautiful.
I took this picture through my windshield.
With a little editing, I think it turned out wonderful.



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