Her little red top, a trip to Walmart, the rec center and a good day~

Today is Friday, catch up day I call it, time to get things done that 
I have been putting off for a few days.
The dog hair is now new carpet, I feel it is very thick,
This little sweetheart has stolen my heart.
I love her to pieces and cherish the moments I have with her.
Her new word of the week is"no".  She uses it all the time.
I suppose it comes naturally to her because I am always redirecting her
and telling her no.
It's kinda funny coming from a little 1 1/2 year old.
She played at the rec center yesterday for about an hour.
Came home and she went right to sleep.
We had roast beef for dinner last night, I finished my sandwich that
Kent brought me from Jersey Mikes.
I am trying a food elimination diet to see if I can feel a little
better before Christmas Day. 
Things like brain fog, tiredness, surgery cravings and so on...
I want to see if food is really the problem

I am so thankful for this little one and for my family and for the dogs.

Augie and Sunny love to sit on my lap at night while I watch the news.
I love every minute of it.



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