Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning~

What a wonderful Christmas Eve.  Very relaxing, however, Brent and I cooked
while Kent watched football and cleaned up after us.
The table looked pretty with my thrift store finds.
The little snowman candle holder and placemats were a score from

Brings a smile on my face to see these little ones on our table.

I baked cookies, made Oma's potatoes and helped Brent in the kitchen.
We have to keep Kent out sometimes because he gets in our way...ha.
He did unload the dishwasher so we could put another load in after dinner.

The packages were wrapped and the boys watched football.
I missed my Christmas music so much.

Kent bought a nice white wine for me so I could enjoy the night.
Drank it a little too fast...oops.

Merry Christmas Sunday morning, having coffee with mom and dad at 5:45am.
I will bake my egg bake later and we will head over to 
Drew and Hannah's around 8:30.
The temps are back up to normal for this time of year.
We are out of the arctic blast.
I went to the thrift store yesterday and scored on some more tea towels
to make for next year.
I also got Kinsley a book and some jingle bells.
Can't wait to see her this morning.



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