Trees up, music playing, thrift store shopping and Brent's new house~

The tree is up and the holiday is playing as much as it can.
I put the tree up on Friday and this year it is very sparse.  Between the pupppy
and Kinsley, the decorations might not last the whole season.
My dizziness is getting better.  I went to the thrift stores yesterday 
and found some more  tea towels to applique on.
I love finding a good bargain in the tea towel section.
Kent and I took the dogs to Jax for a little walk around.  
We watched Christmas movies in the afternoon and hat
Texas Roadhouse for dinner.

Brent and Noelle headed to Colo. Springs to look at houses.  They bought one and 
are excited to move in Feb or March.
I pray that they didn't rush into this as it is a big responsibility for a young couple.
God...please watch over them.



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